Asking for help is, for some, difficult. Going to a therapist’s office can add to an already stressful situation. Neither should be a barrier for getting the assistance you need. Oak & Associates, LLC provides telehealth/teletherapy services to you in the comfort and privacy of your chosen location. Our therapists have been trained in providing telehealth/teletherapy services compliant with the Association of Marital and Family Therapy Regulatory Boards (AMFTRB) and follow the regulations promulgated by state of Kentucky and the Kentucky Licensure Board of Marriage and Family Therapists. Following these guidelines keeps your protected health information (PHI) secure and our sessions confidential.
Oak & Associates, LLC is pleased to offer telehealth/teletherapy services to individuals, couples, and families of all ages, as appropriate, via our electronic health record (EHR), Simple Practice. Please contact our office for additional information.